Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Am From......

I am from the South
Rockdale County
Edwards Middle School, home of the patriots
Iam from farmhouses and porch swings
Stayin' up late and catchin' fire flies
Iam from big back yards
kids playin' together

I am from cousins that you look up to
Thinking they have the world
I am from Friends that mean everything
They know everything about you
You know everything about them
I am from Grammie's home cookin'
Coconut cake, Cranberry delight
Eatin' til you can't eat anymore

I am from eatin' lunch as a family on Sundays
Pork roast, mashed potatoes, chocolate truffle
Just sittin' aournd talkin' when dinners done
I am from playin' with my cousins
In grammie' backyard
Rachel, David, Joanna, and I
Ridin' dirt bikes and runnin' around

Thats where I'm from

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

You've been tagged by Ava! Go to my blog, and read the rules.